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We are a Young Adult Ministry located in West Michigan.

We seek to help young adults grow: in Christian community, in God's Word, and in holy living, all so that they might be sent out to serve Him in His world for His glory alone. 




Our Story

In the Fall of 2017, we piloted a young adult Bible study. Normally, gathering a group of busy young adults can be challenging, but one thing is certain: the desire to study God's Word was there. These young adults were hungry for it and they started this group out of a desire to learn more about God and His Word.  

We began meeting at a location central to many of the universities in West Michigan. At these gatherings we had quite a mixed group; there were working young adults and students from almost every local college and university. 

One of the unique things about this ministry is the way the Rooted members take such a high level of ownership. By God's grace, one of the reasons this ministry has been healthy and fruitful is because the Rooted members invest their lives into one another. They pray for each other and dig deep into God's word.

Equipping this next generation to own their faith is one of the objectives of this ministry and it has been amazing to see God do just that, even as the members equip one another.  

These meetings have also been a great space to ask difficult questions and explore what God's Word says. We have seen God do an incredible work, laying the foundation for a mature and articulate faith. This is the season of life where many ask difficult questions and this has given space for that. God has been shaping us according to His Word. ]


We have learned so much since this ministry first began. It should not have been a surprise, but one of the things we have learned is that these young adults are hungry to experience life in Jesus, to see Him in His Word, and they want to make a difference in the world by God's grace. 


Over the years we have now seen over 110 young adults have ongoing involvement and investment in this group. We are so thankful to the churches, businesses, and individuals who support this effort. After several years, as the young adults get married, have children, and move away, it is so encouraging to see them leading in their churches, homes, vocations, and neighborhoods as godly men and women seeking to serve the King. 


If you would like to know more about ROOTED and desire to partner, support, or join this ministry, please go to the "Contact Us" button above.


Pastor Cory would love to connect and tell you more.  







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